Secondary School

Understanding, encouragement and individual attention are integral to developing students into
well-balanced individuals.

As a professional learning community, we intend to nurture the following skills within our

  • Creating opportunities to allow students to think critically and creatively.
  • Encouraging students to ask questions to deepen conceptual links.
  • Fostering analytical thinking through problem-solving.
  • Making time to allow students to create something completely new and to go beyond the curriculum.
  • Creating a positive environment where students feel resilient enough to take risks in
  • Communicating their learning

IGCSE stands for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two-year program leading to externally set, marked, and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will gain a qualification that is recognized globally.

In Year 12, pupils select three A-level subjects, although in some circumstances pupils will be allowed

to choose four. Additionally, Croatian students will follow the Curriculum for the Croatian language
and the National Subject of Croatian History and Geography.

In addition, all Sixth Form students also participate in our Academic Enrichment Programme, University Application Support process,  Careers Programme, and they undertake weekly Volunteering and Work Experience, as well as lessons in PE and PHSE every week. Pupils also have a number of periods during the week when they are expected to prepare for classes, to show a wider interest in what they are learning and to be academically curious – vital skills for higher education.

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